by Carrots
November 23,2009. The country was shaken by the news flash. The media mourned for their loss. The government extended their heartfelt condolences to the family of the victims. The family cannot do anything now but to cry and close their fingers for the unpredictable and head-scratching investigation. The rest of the people not only from the Philippines but from around the archipelago is looking forward to solving the case,crying for justice for the mercilessly killed journalists and innocent Ampatuan family members.

On Wednesday, November 25, the corpses reached a disturbing number of 57, including 6 Mangudadatu members, 2 family lawyers, 34 journalists (wherein only 25 has been identified so far), and 5 other persons who were mistakenly part of the convoy. They were supposed to file a certificate of candidacy for Esmael Mangudadatu, vice mayor of Buluan Town to be the political rival of Andal S. Ampatuan, Jr. for the coming 2010 elections. Some of the women were evidently raped, tortured and beheaded including the tragic death of a pregnant woman.

It is more inhumane to imagine that after the massacre, the killers could still afford to bury the victims in an almost-abysmal pit. Undug were smashed cars and government vehicles used for the convoy. According to news stories, there was even a found car that was not part of the group. It was supposed to transport a patient into the provincial hospital.

I still do not know what the government has done to seize the beasts responsible for this human slaughter. The media might say that the government has the killers in their hands but would their punishments be enough for the innocent people that they have tortured and killed? For sure, the prosecuted animals will still lurk anyhow, with super special treatments and protection from the government. The victims will never have their sought justice because in a country we have right now, every piece of hope for attaining justice and balance are both impossible.
*The Philippines is now the number one most dangerous country for journalists around the world. Disturbing!*

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