Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The New National Animals

They get lower salaries than other public employees who did nothing but sit prettily on their office chairs. They use their own money for classroom needs. They get blamed when the student cannot learn something from school. They get sued when they accidentally hurt a child during class discussions.

They were used to serve the recent national elections. Now, they are being tasked to survey the census of the Philippine population.

So morbid is their plight yet no one sees this morbidity but themselves. They are the reason why there are engineers, doctors, nurses, technicians, chefs and lawyers. They are the main cause of the continuous cycle of the human race. Without them, there is no such thing as "brighter future" for they are the primary molders of upcoming professionals. But if they have the most important profession, then why are they given less attention by the government yet? If there are lots of politicians who promise to help them, why are they still the most abused man power? Where is the justice for them who wasted tons of salivas just to make the student comprehend?

0 citrus juice/s:

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