On the second day of the seminar, our efforts of listening to the speakers finally paid off with an unfinished article I made in journ.ph. It went this way...
"Taking A Step Closer To Mother Nature
In a recent post by Yahoo.com, a discovery regarding the humongous humpback whale making a huge contribution to the environment by absorbing great amounts of CO2 through its feces intrigued us. Great! The whales are starting to use their minute brains in helping the environment. What about the human beings, who, as a matter of fact, have been considered as the highest class of specie created by God? What have they done to save Mother Earth?
The half-day tour in the Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences and the A.Y. Reyes Zoological and Botanical Garden became an eye opener to us being mediocre campus journalists. The sights and wonders provided us bits and pieces of the puzzle that brought us to a deliberate realization of environmental concern and intervention."
...including these sub-topics: "A Deep Plunge with a Deeper Thought" and "A Bask of Mother Nature’s Pride"
I could have enhanced the Feature Story had I been given ample time. However, the bond that I had with my fellow Norsunians and the strains that we fought together cannot be paid.

--an open forum during our visit in GP Rehab

--one BIG happy family

--a rare specie indeed! the Philippine Spotted Deer...i finally saw one..hooray!

--croc, say "aaah"

--this scenario might not be the same picture ten years from now

--narci lang...sori nagud...hehe...kuyog bitaw mi ni kuya germs
(I almost failed to notice that the title did not fit the write-up. In short, walei ang title.)

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