Friday, April 2, 2010

But How?

It seemed two thousand years ago already when I checked my blog. Aside from the fact that I don't feel logging in internet cafes to make a post or even check my status in Facebook (hehe)and Orangeshark (hehehe), I honestly am trying to save money. I finally found the essence of priority and thriftiness.

Anyway, between those two thousand years of absence in this space, I have gathered questions that really require difficult elixir.

Graduation has finally marked the end of the year and with this, some people whom I considered great friends, refuge and help would soon leave the publication, and perhaps, me. I want to tell myself that everything would be fine but until now, I never imagined how the office would look like without them. Kuya Jay, the humor bearer; Kuya Paul, the computer genius; Kuya Christian, the silent grenade; and Kuya Junrell, the very foundation of TN, the jack of all trades, the "pinakakuya"-- the four of them would soon lift their palms open, smile and say, "Goodbye!" I want to let go of this confusion...but how?

Several nights ago, we had our election for the new set of editorial board of TN. Unfortunately, I was elected as the Features Editor and though it means higher H (hihihi), it also calls for a greater responsibility. Somehow, I want to thank the people who voted me for it has boost my morale and my self-esteem. I want to function well with my new position...but how?

It was last night when I confirmed my friend's ill plight true. She has been a high school friend and though her first impression at me wasn't so befriending yet it changed for good. After several close bondings, an event almost tore our friendship. And now that I realized that she's about to be operated because of a cyst that has been found in her left breast, I cannot imagine how to help her. The operation is very near, in fact two days away already. I really want to extend my aid and tell her I am one of her true friends...but how?

Since the day I was born, I was not able to see some of my dear aunts in my mother's side. Now that they have come to visit my grandmother in Bayawan City, a plan of having a reunion was established. So exciting indeed, for I will be spending a few hours with them and spare 0.00001% of my life sharing humorous stories and experiences. I really want to capture those moments with them in a way that my mother, who has been dreaming of this gathering for so long already, would never forget. I want to help my mother plan a great get together by making a short program...but how? (super clueless on how to make it "not walei")

The LGU scholars in our municipality have also planned to have a party in celebration of the fresh graduates. I want to attend, honestly, with all the food and refreshments that has to be served during that day. But I still have a hard time adjusting. I haven't even made a close friend. Good thing the president of the organization is a kind gal and she makes me feel I belong. I really wanted to get out of my shell and start conversing with each one of them...but how?

Could somebody please provide me with the answers? I really have a hard time with this thin life. And here's my major dilemma.


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