It might be unnecessary to enumerate everything that we feasted on but since I missed my blog, I will grab this opportunity to lengthen it;). There was a container of uyap cooked in a spicy sweet manner and everyone grabbed their respective disposable cups to have a load of it. Another rectangular plate contained the ginamos which until now I do not like while another two Tupperwares of peeled Apple mangoes lined with the rest. Another separate table was filled with boiled saba while a cavalcade of orange juices in cups filled the remaining empty spaces.
Before I could even think of something to be of help, Dr. De Guzman came out of CEd 2 and began giving instructions regarding our exotic picnic. WOw! I went there just to have snacks. Anyway, everything's served already and all we need to do is just grab a piece of this and that and find a comfortable place to stay. Wonderful day indeed! We gobbled this and that. We tasted this and that. And we had fun with the bonding that we had even for that spur of moment. Our teacher has planned the exotic picnic well and I am looking forward to seeing the pictures on Facebook.
The repaint of the classroom was finally over. The eating session has finally come to an end and we have to clean the mess that we made. The bonding was gone but the memory it made will always linger in the minds of the education students who took part in the realization of the new CEd 2 make over.
Mabuhay ang Bayanihan! Mabuhay ang future teachers ng NORSU!

-- walang magawa...the rest are working..kami, la rah..

-- our moment..yehey!

-- this is our actual work

-- namintal sila..obvious ba?

-- kalami sa sagings..hehe

-- mangga, ginamos, juice..hehe

-- angayan jud basta educ..haha..bongga diba?